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Red Cabbage Color is a natural edible red pigment extracted from the edible vegetable Brassica Oleraea var Capiata L. This product is a mixture of anthocyanin pigments. The main ingredient is two cornflowers. Soluble in water, aqueous ethanol, and acetic acid, insoluble in oil. Stability: good heat and light resistance. Susceptible to iron, tin, copper plasma, and discoloration. When the aqueous solution is acidic, it is red and reddish purple. Blue when neutral; It is unstable, and green when alkaline.
Color ValueE(1%,1cm,530卤6nm)鈮?0E52.10
Physical & Chemical
AppearanceDeep Red PowderComplies
Taste & OdorCharacteristicComplies
Particle Size98% Pass 80meshComplies
Loss on drying鈮?.0%3.97%
SolubilitySoluble in waterComplies
ConclusionConform with specification, Non-GMO, Non-Irradiation, Allergen Free, BSE/TSE Free.
StorageStore in cool and dry places. Keep away from strong light and heat.
PackingBy 5kgs/aluminum foil bag, 5bags/Drum
Shelf Life24 months under the above condition, and in its original package