About ClouFan BusinessFi

About your ClouFan BUsinessFi Social Media Platform


Founded in 2019 with the mission to enable users to have access for the best video experience in the simplest way.

As a believer in the power of video and its inevitable growing trend in our daily lives, we have dedicated our expertise to create solutions through continuous innovation to address the needs for all types of users.

Today, we are able to share our seamless solutions with all types of users from Developers to Platforms (Broadcast, Pay-tv/OTT, TV, IPTV, Mobile, and Social Media), Enterprises and Educational Organizations all around the world.

ClouPlay in a Single Platform provides a fully integrated solution set including all the
required tool to Manage, Distribute and Broadcast ALL your Live and VOD content. Purely designed for a Simple, Fast and Seamless Live and VOD experience.
Bringing flexibility to your work environment ClouPlay works as a Single Point of Access for you to manage your contents through a synchronous structure enabling you to work on
the local and over the Cloud. ClouPlay Platform users can access to their work through ANY web browser, ANY operating system of their choice and distribute their content to
ANY platform and device.

The backbone of the technology is the”CLOU” software and the hardwares developed by ClouPlay for B2C services such as TV channels and broadcasting companies, enterprises who would like to have their own stream on the air, interactive advertisement companies and developers.

The software is in HTML based language allowing defaul taccesibility to all platforms; giving great flexibility to improve the code and add new functions.
Technology uses any operating system either as Live or VOD video experience. Makes it possible to share with all the platforms, including Social, Broadcast, Cable TV, PayTv/OTT, Mobile, IPTV, HBBTv platforms and encodes the information 20 times faster than what is so far available out there.

ClouFan Social Medya Platfom 
ClouPlay Interactive Cloud Media Technologies


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