Another excellent one is WOTLK
Another excellent one is WOTLK Dec 27

Another excellent one is WOTLK

jours des heures restant

Next which is great in 10 minutes you'll be locked out and going to have 10 veins of or you might even get some gems in him you could even find richest saronite in this area since it's a great way to be able to just find some or even to market that's what I'll be doing it for I will be literally be getting your and I'll also be prospecting on my paladin don't want to talk about my Paladin since so much has changed over the past 24 hours and it's taking my mind off I'm sure you'll find out more details on the reason I'm talking about Paladin right now, but not in this video.

Short story, getting veins every couple of minutes , if you want to do what I'm doing, and then pickpocket within you can check on the screen the quantity of silver I'm gaining from each kill. small amounts of silver they are taken by mobs aren't worth your time to worry about. You do have a few low Silverlight.

You can search for silver to silver but the majority of them don't intend to 15 Silver and as you've seen, I've reinforced the junk box as well , which you can get quite regularly which do actually drop nice Lou and I'm planning to put the two-three minute video out very shortly, maybe as early as tomorrow and this week talking about a really really interesting farm to use for your roads so be sure to look it up. That's all. Find yourself farming, I'm doing this with no gimmicks. make sure you like and subscribe . Also, check out the rest of XP links in the description and take a spin in the last part of the intro.

There's lots of ways you can support the channel to keep me posting what's new Warcraft content, and also covering new MMOs you should think about joining the channel was a member you get access to emotes that everyone will know you remember when you leave comments on the videos of the future since you'll get a nice icon next to your name. Additionally, you'll have access to members only videos which I'll be putting several of them on YouTube throughout the season.
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12/27/23 - 12:00 Date de début
12/30/23 - 12:00 Date de fin
Another excellent one is WOTLK n'a pas encore posté rien