MMOexp: This means pre-launch development on Diablo 4

Blizzard announced the good news on Twitter, adding: "See you in sanctuary. 6.6.23." (If only it were coming out in 2066).

he new quest has no connection to Diablo 4 Gold the seasons before it, and that's by design for now. Blizzard wants to forgo building on one story from season to season or planting narrative seeds so that you may jump into the Vessel of Hatred DLC without feeling like you had to play anything following the base game.

"So far, the philosophy has been to approach each season separately," quest designer Nathan Scott says. "One thing we feel strongly about is, if you miss a season, it's okay. We want you playing and the content we're producing – I'm biased, but I think it's pretty great. But, if you jump in [Season 1] and miss Season 2, it's not the end of the world, we don't want you to feel like you're missing out on important story chunks."

Diablo 4 goes gold ahead of June launch | MMOEXP


Diablo 4 has gone gold, fully clearing the path for its imminent launch.

Blizzard announced the good news on Twitter, adding: "See you in sanctuary. 6.6.23." (If only it were coming out in 2066).

This means pre-launch development on Diablo 4 is done and that Blizzard has deemed the game ready to ship on June 6. Why does it matter? Well, in a time when game delays have become the norm instead of the exception, the "gold" status is essentially an assurance that a game most likely won't be pushed back any further, barring any extraordinary or buy Diablo IV gold 
unforeseen circumstances.



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