Another excellent one is WOTLK
Another excellent one is WOTLK Dec 29

Another excellent one is WOTLK

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Actually, Lava Burst is the one big one that's added to the rotation. It's possible that you're thinking the thunderstorm. Yes, they come from the talent of. It's not an ability that we can claim, but since it's something that's what we're talking about anyway. I'm certain you'll truly enjoy an in-tilades thunderstorm from the top of your naturalness.

The process shouldn't be too long, we're going to begin with the complete overhaul initially, and then we're going to examine the same part of the video I released the last time, which was the improvement Charmin as the Totems are all identical, and the only additional token we'll talk about return Raf naturally however, you've got that in TBC already, you're gonna be in the midst of wrath, which the details will be discussed when we arrive at the talents.

If you're not able to talk us through the meanings. This means that you can use all four totems at once as well, but for totems take note that each class gets its own totem , too.

So for Horde, for example, you know, troll versus orc, your totems aesthetically, look slightly different. For Frodo. Now, you're probably not too bothered. However, if you achieve that, but you may also pick three sets.

Then you've got color in the spirits call of the ancestors and call of the elements. Therefore, you can make your call of the elements set up , perhaps with stone skin tone along with Flame Tongue tone and manner spring totem, or let's say wrath of air.
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12/29/23 - 12:00 开始日期
12/31/23 - 12:00 结束日期
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