Generative AI for Automotive
Generative AI for Automotive Feb 21

Generative AI for Automotive

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Optimise Vehicle Design & Product Development, Simulation,
Process Automation & Reduce Cost
21 - 22 February, 2024 | Leonardo Royal Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany

Generative AI Speakers Leading the 2024 Line-Up
Including Experts from BMW Group, Volvo Cars, Toyota Research Institute, Bugatti Rimac, Continental, itemis, Robert Bosch, Valeo, Deontic and others
Generative AI technology is disrupting the way vehicles are designed, manufactured, and experienced. According to leading European vehicle manufacturers, the biggest levers for Generative AI technology are to Accelerate EV and AV Product Development, Optimise Vehicle Design, Process Automation and Reduce Cost.

The entire automotive industry is under severe pressure to reduce cost and increase efficiency, and by using Generative AI, carmakers will have the potential to bring down material costs and weight of vehicle components. While Generative AI has the potential to be a game-changer for the industry by revolutionising the way automotive companies operate, the technology presents several known and unknown risks, including ethical, data privacy and security concerns that need to be carefully managed.

We’re inviting you to get inspired by vehicle manufacturers, start-ups & innovators that have successfully implemented GenAI projects – hear from them as they spark new ideas, share do’s and don’ts, and give you and your teams the chance to learn what can truly be achieved by unleashing the ground-breaking capabilities of Generative AI technologies.

02/21/24 - 08:00 Mulai tanggal
02/22/24 - 00:00 Tanggal akhir
Leonardo Royal Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany
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