2 년 ·번역하다

Google Clarifies Googlebot Crawl and Index the First 15MB of HTML Content Per Page

Google is notorious for rolling out updates that can create a lot of worry for marketers. These updates come about suddenly and impact each website differently. For some, it could be a reward, while others might have to work for a long time to recover their rankings and traffic.

So, when the 15 MB Googlebot limit came, there was indeed some panic. Everyone was confused, thinking is it a new google update?

However, the truth is something else. Recently, the search engine added a line to its documentation stating how the Googlebot crawls the first 15 MB of the content of a raw HTML file, and after that, it stops crawling.

Source: https://www.ezrankings.org/blo....g/15-mb-googlebot-li


Googlebot Crawl and Index the First 15MB of HTML Content Per Single Page

The 15 MB Googlebot limit has recently generated a lot of discussion. The fact is very different from what many SEO specialists fear. Get the accurate information here.