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Entrepreneurs Want to Launch an OpenSea-like NFT Marketplace - Why?

Now, #opensea is going to have more than a million registered users. Each month, more than 121 million individuals visit the #openseanftmarketplaceplatform. The site has 1.5 million active users, according to #duneanalytics, an open-source data provider of real-time crypto trends. This Popularity of the OpenSea NFT marketplace inspired many #entrepreneurs to #start their #nftmarketplace #business like OpenSea.

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Why Entrepreneurs Are Aiming To Start an NFT Marketplace Similar to OpenSea? | by Sophia | Nerd For Tech | Mar, 2023 | Medium

Why Entrepreneurs Are Aiming To Start an NFT Marketplace Similar to OpenSea? | by Sophia | Nerd For Tech | Mar, 2023 | Medium

With businesses rising in the fintech industry, cryptocurrencies, and NFT have played a significant role. Cryptocurrencies being digital assets have enhanced crypto payments and act as an alternative…