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Grow Thicker And Longer Eyelashes With Careprost Bimatoprost


Careprost Bimatoprost is the active ingredient in the eye drop brand Careprost. Bimatoprost is a synthetic version of prostaglandin, a naturally occurring substance that plays a number of roles in the body's physiological functions. Bimatoprost was initially created to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension, two disorders that can result in elevated intraocular pressure. However, it has also been discovered that bimatoprost encourages the growth of eyelashes as a side effect. Careprost has become more well-known as a cosmetic product for thickening eyelashes as a result of this side effect. Careprost is thought to encourage the growth of longer, thicker, and darker eyelashes when applied to the base of the upper lashes.
