How to Get 4X More Traffic with this Keyword Research Method

best ways to get traffic with a keyword research tool

We at the coursework service provider are here to share with you some really informative things about Blogging System. The purpose of this system is to be kind of a lifelong holistic approach to blogging basically giving you what are the next steps at every point along your entire blogging journey. Not just kind of like a here's how to blog.

Keyword Research Method - Search Analysis

Today in this blog though we're going to share something really cool something that we introduce and talk about in the new blogging system that we haven't directly addressed before. Especially here on this blog okay so we called it the keyword research method or a keyword research method its search analysis keyword research that's such an outdated term that we use a lot of people use it in the industry but search analysis. We're looking for topics we're looking not for keywords the search engines don't really rely on keywords anymore it's all about topics and searches queries and so we're identifying search queries.

Using Keyword Research Tools

In this method, we're actually going to show you a way that we do sometimes use keyword research tools. So we're not going to focus as much as tutorial-wise on exactly how to do it but we are going to focus on the really important how-to of how we use the information we get from these tools to craft really good content.

Find the Successful Sites in Your Niche

So to start out we're going to use a tool like ahrefs or semrush and we're going to use these tools to identify who the big players in our niche are you probably already kind of know. If you've been doing search analysis and you've been doing research in your niche you know who the most authoritative websites are.

Inspect their Domain to find the Highest Traffic Posts on Their Site

If you know that or if you're going to use a tool to help find that you're just going to inspect their domain and you're going to determine which the highest traffic pages on their website are. Now the tool is going to give you numbers they're going to tell you traffic numbers for those articles the numbers are wrong to do this on your own websites and compare it to your Google analytics. They're wrong but what we have found is they tend to at least be in pretty close to the right order.

Find their Posts with the Highest Traffic

So if we look at the top 10 or 20 articles on a really successful website we're going to identify 10 to 20 topics that have real search volume and that's the starting point for this method that we're going to talk about today now you have to be careful.

Parroting Successful Posts?

I think a lot of you who are reading this I would assume you don't do this or wouldn't do this but there will be the temptation there to just completely copy or parrot the articles that you find you shouldn't everyone else does it. But a lot of people do this and not only is it wrong but you're missing out on such an incredible opportunity seeing that a blog post did really well is kind of like being in the automotive industry and being like dang people really like teslas. We should make a car just like that so if like let's say ford right they're just like dang this cyber truck got a ton of hype people are way into that we should make our own cyber truck people would look at that and be like okay this is stupid. You're being a copycat and what you've created is not unique and does not add value to the automotive industry but ford's most popular vehicle of all time is the f-150 right people love that truck.

So what did Ford do they decided to create ford lightning that's what they call safety lightning and it's an f-150 right but it looks like an f-150 it's yeah it's an electric f-150 it's super cool. I look at it and like you open up the trunk and it's like more storage or the engines they don't have an engine. So you don't need to duplicate other people's posts that's kind of the point here so with the hamburger analogy it's like McDonald’s is a great burger they or they have great burgers the big is the big mac's iconic right everyone wants it. But there are so many other successful burger joints the rustic table in star did not go copy the big mac from McDonald’s. But guess what they have created their own burger that is incredibly successful at their restaurant I mean it's one of the top burger joints in star.

Learning from Others' Success

Just because McDonald’s comes out with a big mac what does everybody learn from that people like cheeseburgers and they like being able to consistently get I guess the same one right. Wherever they go how many other places built on that and said well we'll make our own burger I mean burger king makes a whopper. And you can get the same whopper at any burger king anywhere but it's not the same as the big mac yeah it doesn't have the mac sauce no and it's not speaking of secret sauce. We're about to give that to you right here the secret sauce.

Match Successful Topics from Others with what Fits Your Site

We're going to dig into some nitty-gritty here about how you're going to execute or some of the things that you can do to make sure that you use this method successfully. Step one we're going to go find the topics in our niche that do well that work well for other sites but we also want to find the ones that fit our content and our audience. So if I go to you know whatever one of my main competitors I say that main competitor honestly like. I don't view other content creators as competitors they create content and I create content in some ways. We overlap right if you look at some of the biggest sites in your industry I find which topics did really well for them. But I’m only going to pick the ones from that list that would fit what I’m doing on my website. I’m not going to create a whole new category on my website right now so that I can create a duplicate version of somebody else's blog post.

Do Original Research (a few methods)

So after you find these topics you need to go do some original research and this is where the added value comes. You might have found a topic that works really well it may be a great topic in the niche and maybe the other website your competitor is having a lot of success there. But just because what they did in their article was successful doesn't mean that you have to do the same thing when you go to do your original research you can add videos you can add quotes from experts you can go interview people. You can put up a poll on Facebook you can add original images or infographics or downloadable.

There are so many things that you can do to make your post more valuable than even their post was and just because they might have had a video in their blog post doesn't mean you have to put the same video in your blog post in fact you can even write the article on a sub-topic of their article. Maybe you need to break it into a couple of different articles it doesn't have to be the same as their article. Because it's about the topic, not the article really all we've done with this process is identified a topic that seems to get a lot of traffic which means people are looking for it which is awesome.

So now what do we create our version of the resource so you know step two was original research step three create your amazing resource whatever that may be like Nathan alluded to sometimes this means taking the topic maybe even broadening it a little bit. And breaking it into multiple blog posts creates a whole cluster of content around that topic because we know there's search volume there maybe take some of the specific questions that may or may not have been answered in the other article.


henry adams

1 blog posts
