The world bosses of WotLK Classic are located in the four major zones

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The world bosses of WoTLK Gold are located in the four major zones of leveling of WotLK Classic that are also the base for the Covenants. When playing WotLK Classic, only one of the four world bosses can spawn at a time, and a fresh one is spawned every week in the weekly rotation. If a world boss is defeated, they drop powerful loot. This includes armor, Soulbind conduits, and Legendary Powers. Every boss drops a different type of loot therefore players who aren't able to collect the one they're attracted to during a particular week will have to wait three weeks longer to have access to the drop.

They are Oranomonos the Everbranching in Ardenweald, Mortanis in Maldraxxus, Valinor, the Light of Eons in Bastion in addition to Nurgash Muttformed Revendreth. Nurgash Muckformed is a strong warrior, with powerful fists. The legend says that according to World of Warcraft lore, Nurgash was created out of the sludgy clump of Dripping Dredgers and was infused using dark magic from Denathrius's elite sorcerers. Nurgash is not particularly brilliant but can deal intense, generally unarmed, or magical physical damage and can also self-heal. One characteristic that makes him stand out is the possibility to increase his power as the battle gets more intense. If players are to defeat him, they'll have to avoid some of the more powerful attacks and be close enough to him to evade some of his magical attacks. Here are some ideas and strategies to beat Nurgash Muckformed in WotLK Classic.

Like all characters in WotLK Classic, players are encouraged to battle Nurgash as a team. They can utilize the Find an event if they don't know anyone who is chasing Nurgash. While he can be defeated by an individual, having a team will help combat become more efficient and provide players with the best chance to survive Nurgash's most brutal blows.

Players will be able to find Nurgash in Revendreth in the city of the Venthyr Covenant. His location will be indicated on the players' map when it's the week for him to show up. He has six attacks which includes one that can increase his strength and also the force of his attacks as battles progress. To defeat him and eventually beat him players must be prepared to be able to block some of his AoE spells, keep their cooldowns for defense as well as get closer to the boss to avoid the greatest harm from his strike from the distance. When close to him they must be vigilant to stay clear of Stone Fist.

Every player is going to need to be careful to stay away from Nurgash's Earthen Blast attack. They should also close to Nurgash when The Hail of Stones is used. Damage dealers must be ready to launch their most devastating attacks whenever Nurgash makes use of Deep Slumber to catch him off guard and benefit from his slowdown. Tanks should keep the defensive cooldown to use in the event of being affected by Stone Fist. Tanks should be able to resist some of Nurgash's punches and should be able to strike to disengage him from the healers and damage dealers.

Healers are useful against Nurgash especially when Nurgash uses hardened Muck to boost his strength. They'll want to save their most powerful healing skills for use when Nurgash releases Stone Stomp, which affects the entire group. A group of people should stay close to each other prior to healing in order for the healer to conserve power and heal everyone at once.

As Nurgash grows stronger as he is Hardened Muck, his attacks will become more powerful. One of the best ways to stop Nurgash from committing a fatal single strike is to eliminate cheap WoTLK Gold. Players will want to use their most deadly attacks whenever they can to weaken, and ultimately eliminate him. Teamwork can make this process even more easy.

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