Things to Prepare for Virtual Events.

In finding and organizing a virtual event idea, of course, all organizers want a smooth event without the slightest disturbance.

In finding and organizing a virtual event ideas, of course, all organizers want a smooth event without the slightest disturbance. Therefore, careful preparation is very important so that during the event there are no obstacles or disturbances. Especially for events that are not well known and are products of adaptation from the pandemic. Of course, many organizers may have doubts due to the unknown difficulty level. As for technical issues, they can work with us for the smooth running of the event.

Many people are now starting to adapt to the current pandemic situation, including organizing events. Initially, many people were shocked because this situation was unexpected by anyone. So many events that had been planned had to be canceled or postponed indefinitely. The unclear time limit for organizing events that involve many people makes online or virtual based events the right solution. If you still don't understand what to prepare for holding an online event, you should consider the following reviews:

As in conventional events that require a clear theme, title, and event concept, virtual events also require the same thing. With clear themes, titles, and concepts, it will be easier to carry out technical tasks for virtual events because they will be related to the preparation of tools later. Errors in the planning process and event concept will result in unforeseen costs. So the more detailed the concept of the event, the clearer the budget needed.

The concept of the event will also be a reference for how many people will be involved on the stage and what kind of stage is needed. What kind of dress code is appropriate so as not to interfere with the technical aspects of the show, which is in accordance with the concept of the event being made. There's a lot to think about, although it's relatively easy compared to conventional events which tend to be more troublesome. This point must be completed before moving on to the next preparation, meaning that all things about the theme, title, and concept must be mature and understood by the whole team.

For you, the event organizer should work closely with media partners like us who will assist you in technical implementation. For example, the theme, title, and concept of the event come from the event organizing committee and then we will detail what is needed and what needs to be prepared for the realization of the event. In carrying out virtual events, he is very experienced so that the concept maturation meeting process does not take a long time.

By opening yourself up to work with parties who are experts in the multimedia field, of course you will save costs, time, and energy. We will also guarantee the course of the event with good picture and sound quality. The committee only needs to explain what kind of video they want to show and how the concept is clearly and in detail.

Other accessories such as the quality of the connecting cable, Cable support system, computer quality, tripod quality, network quality, lighting quality, and so on are also very important to consider. This is because the completeness of quality tools for virtual events cannot be carried out properly. Don't just because of trivial things your virtual event becomes disturbed and constrained.

We as a party that provides virtual event organizing services have quality equipment standards. They also always check the condition of the tools they use so that when they are used they do not experience interference. In virtual events, generally many cameras are used, so it is necessary to have a device to switch cameras according to the moment captured from each existing camera. In this case the task of the operator becomes very vital because he is in charge of choosing the best image to be displayed on the audience's screen.


More article: Virtual Event Ideas During a Pandemic

mandala jati

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