How to Make Money Freelancing

Providing you do so, your freelancing career could actually be more rewarding than a full-time permanent position in the industry. 

Although freelancing can be a great way to develop your skills and gain experience working with a range of clients, you’ll want to ensure you make a decent income while you’re operating as a subcontractor. Profitable freelancing is certainly possible, but you need to approach your freelance role in the right way in order to make money.

When you’re starting out as a freelancer, it can be tempting to undervalue your time and expertise in a bid to gain clients. However, pricing your services too low could make clients wary of hiring you, which could actually lead to a reduction in work. In addition to this, working for a minimal sum is unlikely to give you the income you need in order to pay your bills, which could lead to financial difficulties. Furthermore, working for less than the market value quickly becomes demoralizing and demotivating, which could have a negative impact on the quality of your work. Price your time and your services fairly, and ensure your pricing strategy is in keeping with your experience, expertise and on a par with other freelance professionals. 

More info: Why Have You Changed Jobs So Frequently


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